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小米全球副总裁Hugo离职 雷军邀他留任顾问

[摘要]1月23日消息,据彭博社报道,在加入小米近4年之后,小米公司副总裁Hugo Barra将从小米公司离职,并重返硅谷。 上述消息是Hugo Barra今天(1月23日)在其个人Facebook账号上发布的。他表示因健康问题,决定从小米离职,未来将回到硅谷。 Hugo Barra同时感谢了...

  1月23日消息,据彭博社报道,在加入小米近4年之后,小米公司副总裁Hugo Barra将从小米公司离职,并重返硅谷。

  上述消息是Hugo Barra今天(1月23日)在其个人Facebook账号上发布的。他表示因健康问题,“决定从小米离职,未来将回到硅谷。”

  Hugo Barra同时感谢了小米CEO雷军,称其为“导师和朋友”。雷军则邀请他继续担任小米的顾问一职。

  界面新闻记者就此事向小米方面求证,小米相关负责人证实了Hugo Barra离职的消息,但没有透露将由谁来接替Hugo Barra。

  Hugo Barra于2013年8月底加入小米,出任小米全球副总裁,负责小米国际业务拓展以及与 Google Android 的战略合作。Hugo Barra的加入被外界看做是小米品牌国际化的标志。此前他曾是谷歌Android产品管理部门高级副总裁。

  公开资料显示,Hugo Barra是Android操作系统团队最具代表性的公众人物之一,他曾经频繁出席谷歌的新闻发布会以及谷歌的I/O开发者大会。

  2008年3月,Hugo Barra从语音技术公司Nuance跳槽到谷歌,在加盟谷歌后的第二年便得到了晋升,从集团产品经理升职为Android产品管理副总裁。

  2013年8月29日上午,当时的小米联合创始人及总裁林斌在微博上宣布,Hugo Barra从2013年10月开始出任小米副总裁,加入小米后负责小米国际业务拓展,以及与谷歌Android的战略合作。该消息曾备受中国互联网及手机行业关注。

  对于加入小米的原因,小米总裁林斌曾表示Hugo Barra是其在谷歌的同事,早前两人便有着不错的私交。2010 年底,Barra 转到 Android 团队,在 Google 总部加州山景城工作。而那时,林斌已经离开了 Google,和几名关键的 Google 工程师和产品经理一起开发小米。

  和 Barra 关系密切的天使投资人 Robin Chan 是小米的早期投资人,也正是他促成了 Barra 和小米的对话。谈判从 2012 年夏天开始,那时小米正在准备发布第二款手机——小米 2。

  起初小米方面常向Barra请教“该如何拓展国际市场”,到后来问题慢慢变成,“或许你应该过来帮我们。” Barra表示。

  Hugo Barra在小米工作期间,小米一度成为中国最大的智能手机厂商。他在英文公开信中表示,“我们让印度成为小米最大的国际市场,年收入达10亿美元,比印度历史上任何一家公司更快。我们还扩展到印度尼西亚,新加坡和20个其他市场,包括美国和墨西哥。”但随后小米被Vivo、OPPO、华为等国产手机品牌赶超。

  对于Hugo Barra的离职,林斌则表示非常感谢Hugo Barra能和小米一起走这么远,希望他能在北京待的更久一些。但他同时强调理解Hugo Barra的选择,并祝愿他在今后取得更好的成绩,期待看到他成为小米顾问的新角色。


  以下是Hugo Barra宣布离职的公开信全文:

  THANKS FOR A GREAT 3.5 YEARS, MI FANS — When Lei Jun and Bin Lin came to me nearly four years ago with the opportunity to help turn a young rockstar startup into a global player, I embarked on what has been the greatest and most challenging adventure of my life.

  I moved to Beijing, 6,500 miles out of my comfort zone in Silicon Valley, to build from scratch a startup team within a bigger startup. This journey has been nothing short of spectacular in every way, and I can proudly say that Xiaomi Global is the first baby I helped bring into the world。

  But what I've realized is that the last few years of living in such a singular environment have taken a huge toll on my life and started affecting my health. My friends, what I consider to be my home, and my life are back in Silicon Valley, which is also much closer to my family. Seeing how much I've left behind these past few years, it is clear to me that the time has come to return.

  As I thought about this late last year, I concluded that Xiaomi is in a very good place on its global expansion path, and if there was ever going to be a good time for me to come back home, that time is now — when I can confidently say our global business is no longer just an in-house startup.

  We turned India from a dream into Xiaomi’s largest international market with $1 billion in annual revenues, faster than any company in India's history. We expanded into Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and more recently 20 other markets including Russia, Mexico, and Poland. We teamed up with Google to launch our first official product in the US, and with our successful debut at CES 2017 — where we won 3 prestigious awards — the world now sees that Xiaomi is a global player changing the tech industry through our simple promise of bringing innovation to everyone.

  More importantly, we now have a team of some of the most remarkable and enthusiastic people I have ever worked with, and leaving them all behind is without doubt the most difficult part of stepping away. At the same time, I know I’ll be leaving them in very good hands. Xiaomi now has a strong, globally-minded executive team who will continue to drive the momentum we began together.

  I want to thank the Xiaomi founders, and particularly our CEO Lei Jun, who has been a mentor and a friend. It has been both humbling and uplifting to work with a man whose vision is redefining the role technology plays in all of our lives, and the role the China tech industry plays in the world. As a friend and shareholder of the company, I am honored that he has been very supportive of my transition and has asked me to remain an advisor to Xiaomi indefinitely, as we continue to extend our reach around the world.

  For me, as for many people in China, the Spring Festival brings new beginnings, and I will be transitioning out of my role at Xiaomi in February after Chinese New Year. I will take some much-needed time off before embarking on a new adventure back in Silicon Valley.

  To my Xiaomi colleagues in China and India: as I leave our home in Beijing and Bangalore, please be assured that I will remain your loyal and grateful Mi fan. I will be watching diligently from the sidelines and rooting for you guys all the way! And, of course, a very special shout-out to all our Mi fans around the world, who have won my heart for life!

  Stay in touch guys

  I'll be seeing you,


《小米全球副总裁Hugo离职 雷军邀他留任顾问》河南新闻-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://digi.yuduxx.com/jydq/710894.html,谢谢合作!







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